The Mindful Detox


Get rid of harmful sugar in your diet and reduce inflammation in the body. This is a 10 Day introduction to keto-inspired eating that will be like TLC to your WHOLE nervous system! Processed, sugar, dairy and gluten free with a focus on your deeper emotional and mental wellbeing through mindfulness techniques alongside stress management. Program includes diet plan, recipes, video learning modules and daily inspiration. INTAKES ACTIVE NOW!



[Choose your own custom program start date]

The Mindful Detox 10 Day Functional Nutrition + Lifestyle Program is designed to drive down factors that fan the flames of inflammation, reduce harmful effects of stress on your skin, gut and hormones, and retrain your metabolism by rebalancing your blood sugar and promoting a natural state of clean-burning energy: ketosis.

Calm your chemistry, calm your mind.


You will learn a way to eat and approach detoxifying food that is enjoyable, deeply nourishing, satisfying, balanced, and will set you up to feel your best without the ‘fog’ of imbalanced blood sugar and inflammatory (ahem ageing) cortisol-driven-stress we are so accustomed to.

Includes full meal plan, recipes, guidebook, shopping list, video learning and daily inspiration.

The Mindful Detox is going to help down gear your stress response, both mentally and physically. We will switch on a natural state of rest and repair through an anti-inflammatory eating plan and proven evidence-backed meditation and mindfulness practise essential for true detoxification of the nervous system. Yes, in excess stress is a toxin!

This is ‘detoxification’ art. This is The Mindful Detox. Clearing space in the  whole being.  All the cogs in your life. Learning to hum along without all that noise.

The Mindful Detox is an emotional, physical and mental detox. 

Learn more about The Mindful Detox.
Get rid of harmful sugar in the diet and reduce inflammation in the body. This is a 10 Day introduction to Keto-inspired eating that will be like TLC for your whole nervous system. Processed, sugar, dairy and gluten free with a focus on your deeper emotional and mental wellbeing through mindfulness alongside stress management. Guess what?! There is no point eating  healthy if we’re not addressing the toxic impact of high cortisol from stress. Learn to experience a calmer approach to traditional restrictive ‘cleansing’ , a smarter way to dtox based in functional medicine. Program includes flexible diet plan, recipes, video learning modules and daily inspiration to guide you along. It’s suitable for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.

And YES, you can still have COFFEE.

Craving a little break to help you get your health back on track? Wary of marketing gimmicks? Good. You should be!

That said, your body’s detoxification can get a real boost, but we need to focus on the science of what really works.  The truth is nothing can make you ‘clean and pure’ . We are of the earth, we are full of bacteria, we eat food from the dirt (and those bugs help us survive) and we are part of nature.

Our bodies have in built intelligence to keep everything functioning well, and we ‘clean’ everyday via the bowels, skin, lymph, lungs and kidneys. Even the brain cleans itself when we sleep.

Being clean is not about buying a product or doing a secret magical thing. It is about understanding what your body needs, and doing that, while artfully and strategically avoiding ‘the noise’ – marketing, packaging, misinformation and a constant onslaught of ‘franken-foods’ that are literally hi-jacking our better judgment. 

We are wired for pleasure, and we are always in a rush, and this is exactly why your body literally cannot detox without also being mindful.

We have to engage the parasympathetic nervous system and address the messages given by the vagus nerve.

Welcome to The Mindful Detox where you will learn your way to better health. We all need this extra bit of support and tlc now and then. Give yourself the gift of time and focus.

Learn how to truly support your mind and body, and find your natural flow again by discovering the 3 key phases of healing: Release, Repair and Restore. 

Learn about the power of the MIND BODY connection.

The Mindful Detox includes:

    • a 10 day eating plan that eliminates sugar and gluten and teaches you the right amount and types of fats to eat to and how they switch on detoxification (yes, fats actually do that!)
    • A daily motivational email with extra tips and inspiration to keep you on track
    • A 3 day soup cleanse protocol with recipes (optional)
    • Guidance to start using Intermittent Fasting safely and effectively (it’s not for everyone!)
    • A list of supplements that will help boost your natural detoxification
    • Protocol to ‘Weed, Feed and Seed’ your gut to improve digestion and wellbeing
    • Delicious sugar and gluten free desserts you will love!
  • PLUS you will receive 2 x 30 minute recorded videos that will teach you a holistic approach to how detoxification works covering the liver, gut, skin and lymphatics and the role of rest and mindfulness in helping to support your best detoxification.


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